Graduation from a recognised University, in any discipline.
Key Features:
Academic: | Student Services: |
Master of Commerce is a 2-year (4 semesters) program that aims to equip the graduates and working professionals with the requisite knowledge and skills in Financial Management. The course covers financial planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise along with Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Strategic Financial Management, Banking Principles and Practices and more. Total flexibility with Web Proctored Mode: freedom to take exams anywhere, as well as the choice to take Semester Breaks. Easy-to-use Learning Management System (LMS) accessible anytime, anywhere. Exclusive doubt clearing session per program every Semester. Study material available in downloadable pdf format as e-copy. 70+ Free Certificate Programs from Amity Open Learning System – Basic Communication, Time Management, Negotiation. Open-source resources and web-links also made available like Swayam videos, NPTEL videos for additional learning. |
Post enrolment services through a dedicated Student Relationship Manager. Totally Online Admission Process including uploading of eligibility documents. Multiple fee payment options, including no-cost EMI from Fee Financing companies. Dedicated Career Support & Virtual Job Fairs With 100+ Hiring Partners. |
SEMESTER 1 | Professional communication Advanced Financial Accounting Managerial Economics Financial Management Statistics for Management |
Financial Engineering Risk Management Business Research Methods Cognitive Analytics and Social Skills for Professional Security Analysis and Portfolio Management |
SEMESTER 3 | Financial Reporting and Decision Making Project Planning Appraisal and Control Strategic Financial Management Corporate Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions Entrepreneurial Marketing Mutual Fund Management Minor Project-2 |
SEMESTER 4 | Private Equity and Venture Capital Treasury Management Small Business Management Dissertation International Finance and Forex Management Financial Modelling |
Fee Details:
Full Fee: Rs. 114000.00
Fee per year: Rs. 60000.00
Fee per semester: Rs. 30000.00
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